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What do branches do?

Branches are groups of amazing and enthusiastic volunteers who form a committee and work together with their local community, fundraising and hosting events to support and empower Australians living with blood cancer. You’ll also promote the work of the Leukaemia Foundation and the support available to people facing blood cancer.

Being part of a branch is a great hands-on way to give back to your community and see first-hand the contributions you make! You’ll make friends for life and support each other as you get creative with your fundraising ideas.

Read more about branches here 

What types of events do branches host in their communities?

Branches are limited only by their imagination! As a branch member, you can get creative and host events that are suited to your local community. Keep it easy with sausage sizzles and morning teas or work together as a branch to try something new!

With COVID-19 impacting how we can currently hold public events, we encourage branches to consider fundraising in different ways. It could be a virtual online quiz night or a raffle.

For more fundraising inspiration, the Leukaemia Foundation Volunteer and Members team are here to help! Contact the Volunteer and Members team to chat more about your ideas.

Branches also play an important role in the Leukaemia Foundation’s major fundraising events like the World’s Greatest Shave and Light the Night. As a branch member, you’ll have the opportunity to host events for these campaigns in your local community. It’s a great chance to be part of highly successful national campaigns, supported by the enthusiastic Leukaemia Foundation Community Supporters team!

Can I create a branch if there is an existing branch nearby?

If you’re interested in starting a new Leukaemia Foundation branch, read more here and see if there's an existing branch in your area.

Contact the Volunteer and Members team to explore your options.

How does joining a branch help people living with blood cancer?

Joining a branch is your opportunity to support Australians living with blood cancer in your local community and beyond. You’ll be a visible presence for families locally who may be dealing with a blood cancer diagnosis – helping them to know that the Leukaemia Foundation is here to support them.

Your branch fundraising will also empower Australians with blood cancer every day. You’ll be helping to give every Australian with blood cancer access to the right information, the best treatments and supportive care.

Find out more about joining a branch here.

How will becoming a member help people living with blood cancer?

Members are the lifeblood of the Leukaemia Foundation, playing an important role in Australia’s blood cancer community. Becoming a member shows you care deeply about Australian families facing blood cancer, helping to shape the future direction of the Leukaemia Foundation.

Importantly, your membership supports the bold work of the Leukaemia Foundation in our shared goal of zero lives lost to blood cancer by 2035. You are helping to create real change for the 110,000 Australians living with blood cancer – an incredibly powerful outcome.

You can apply to become a member here today!

What is our shared goal of zero lives lost to blood cancer by 2035?

Today in Australia, blood cancer is a big problem. It's one of the top 4 most frequently diagnosed cancers and is one of the leading causes of death by cancer in our country.

As the only national organisation that represents the needs of all Australians living with any blood cancer, the Leukaemia Foundation has chosen to take the lead in the fight against blood cancer.

Standing together with Australia, our purpose is to help cure and conquer every blood cancer – with care.

We've set a bold goal shared with all our members, one that will help shape a better future for Australians living with blood cancer.

Zero lives lost to blood cancer by 2035.

In September 2020, Australia’s first National Strategic Plan for blood cancer was released. This blueprint aims to coordinate and accelerate national efforts to improve survival and quality of life outcomes for people diagnosed with blood cancer and to support their carers and families.

You can read more about the National Action Plan and its vision of zero lives lost to blood cancer by 2035 here.

How will I be supported as a member?

As a valued member of the Leukaemia Foundation, your passion for creating real change in Australia’s blood cancer community will be supported by the Volunteer and Members team. You’ll have access to regular updates through subscriptions to the Leukaemia Foundation’s Members Matter and Lifeblood newsletters and through this website hub. You’ll also be invited to attend the Leukaemia Foundation Annual General Meeting and have voting rights at this meeting./p>

Read more about being a member here

How will I be supported as a branch?

As a valued branch of the Leukaemia Foundation, your desire to make a difference in your local community and beyond will be supported by the Volunteer and Members team. You’ll have access to regular updates through this website and special resources to help you run your branch. This includes branch handbooks, guides to starting a new branch and template documents.

The Volunteer and Members team are on hand to support your branch with fundraising ideas, advice and real enthusiasm for the wonderful contribution you are making in the community!

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