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Become a Member

For a yearly membership fee of $5, you’ll enjoy these benefits:

  • Subscription to the Leukaemia Foundation Members Matter and Lifeblood newsletters
  • Invitation to attend the Leukaemia Foundation Annual General Meeting and voting rights at this meeting
  • Invitation to attend other Leukaemia Foundation general meetings and voting rights at these meetings
  • Staying connected to the Leukaemia Foundation with regular updates and the opportunity to participate in local events

Importantly, you’ll be a valued member of Australia’s blood cancer community, working together towards our shared goal of zero lives lost to blood cancer by 2035.

Apply to become a Leukaemia Foundation member today and join like-minded people who are passionate about the focus of the Leukaemia Foundation.

The Leukaemia Foundation Volunteer and Members team will be in touch once your application has been processed. This may take a few weeks. We look forward to receiving your application and welcoming you into our membership community!

Simply apply by filling out the online form here:


Membership renewals

Memberships run from the start of the financial year until the end of the financial year. At the time you apply you will become a member for that financial year. In May you will be invited to renew your membership for the following financial year. We'll be sure to give you plenty of notice and you'll be able to renew online so it’s quick and easy.

Common Messages